Sunday, February 15, 2015

Losing It - Elizabeth Armstrong

Losing It - Elizabeth Armstrong
Source: Author Copy
Originally Reviewed: February 15, 2015
Rating: ★★★☆☆

I read this book at the request of the author. Would I have found the book on my own? That’s not a question I can honestly answer. However, had I come across it on my own, the premise absolutely hooked me.

I really wish I could say I was that enthusiastic about it the whole way through. Losing It was pleasing in the end, living up to the premise in spades. My issues with it boils down to a matter of potential. The plot, executed optimally, could have become an instant classic.

Early on in Losing It, it struck me a bit like a modern day Alice in Wonderland. All kinds of fantastical creatures showing up it Kate Winters life – so much so that she thinks she’s insane. The writing just didn’t do it justice!

It’s so hard to get past that. Losing It delivers everything it promises and then some, and the writing does improve the more you read – but you have to get past the not-so-great writing first. Once you do, though, the potential is so obvious.

I am not sorry I read the book. This is one of those books where there plot and the story the author come up with is so brilliant that eventually they’re forced to adjust the way they’re writing – and Armstrong had the skill to pull it off. I just wish she’d gone back and re-written the beginning once she’d gotten her flow.

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